Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

This week was great being able to get to know my contacts even more. Being able to get a snapshot of them, as a professional seeing what they work to overcome each day is wonderful. Many of the struggles we face each day are the same as those around the world.

Sara discussed with me her dreams of becoming a larger part of the Nursery schools becoming a director of a large nursery school there she does work with. She discussed by working to attain a job in one given program she hopes to be able to create a positive early learning program for those in the community and be a part of it each day. This would reduce her commuting throughout training those in other nursery schools and allow her to focus.  The qualifications in England to work in the schools are a degree in early learning as well as experience in the field to be a main teacher.  In addition there are also many trainings and other various classes to routinely stay current with. Sara discussed the issue of getting people through the door with the qualifications and keeping them from leaving for primary school. The salary is more for those teachers commonly they loose those to primary school once they receive high enough credentials.

Saya discussed with me her hopes of becoming the flight chief of the Child and Youth Programs. Being able to be a large part of all the early learners as well as the school age up to eighteen year olds would be a wonderful accomplishment. Working with military people is rewarding however, she discussed the difficulty of maintaining enough workers to staff her program through constant movement. People to start in the classroom must at least have a high school diploma and must sign a paper stating they will complete required training modules by eighteen months of higher date or will be terminated. Saya discussed the difficulty of getting people to the target level and being able to then have them still there not ready for their next move. Overcoming the obstacles of being apart of an ever changing community is a way of life it is not a bad just difficult to keep quality providers.

Being able to hear from these two ladies has me again reflect on the importance of creating providers who are well rounded, passionate, well educated individuals. Being able to assist with this in the early learning community will continue to be a goal I work to.


  1. Hi Stephanie,

    Its great reading about your contacts, its also nice to see two individuals pursing their dream to help children. The more we go further into our education career it makes me even more happier I choose this as a career.

  2. Stephanie,

    Your contacts have great aspirations. It is always good to get to know individuals who share the same passion for children as you do. Great post!!

  3. Stephanie,
    It is great to read about your contacts and what they are doing and what their goals are. It is also unfortunate that they also have problems with getting paid more and find it hard to keep staff because of it.

  4. Stephanie,
    In recognizing that others have similar challenges permit a powerful comradeship. It permits individuals to understand that these challenges are not unique. Thus as you stated in being able to receiving a snapshot, professionals are permitted access to come together in finding valuable solutions that allow all children to reach higher heights.
