From this course I have gained a great deal of insight on
how to properly gather information, validate and back the research through
sources. Being able to do these aspects to a higher ability allow for me to be
a greater asset to the early learning community by being able to ensure the
information I gather as well as share is valid. I have learned to take the
proper time to learn through the research and do not rush any of the steps of
creating, implementing or conducting. Allow ample time to be able to redo steps
to improve the outcome.
Planning, designing and conducting research takes time and planning
to a high degree. The information from this course better prepares me for the
obstacles that come into play when creating the simulations. Identifying the
issues and creating the answers to the challenges is important when working to
become a researcher.
As the course unfolded I had issues with ensuring the
details and necessary information to create my simulation was complete.
Identifying the changes that were necessary to creating a stronger simulation
became important week to week. Through the course and dissecting the materials
I have learned to ask questions, validate each component of research and ask
many questions as I already do. Most importantly I have been yet again reminded
always be clear and precise on what is expected from the children and families.