Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

         For this assignment I have found two colleagues who are a part of the military community, yet are in different parts of the world in different organizations. My First contact is with a colleague in Aviano, Italy Sayako who is originally from South Korea and now is a Director of an early learning facility. Sarah is my other point of contact who is in England and travels working with a variety of nursery schools. Both of these ladies will be able to supply me with a wealth of knowledge on the issues and trends they face overseas.
            I have emailed both ladies and corresponded back and forth discussing good days and times as well as set up times lines of how quickly they will be able to respond. Both ladies are excited to correspond and learn what we each have to share.
            When choosing a website to follow and immerse myself in I choose one I am not familiar with, but that I would be able to highly benefit from professionally as well as personally. I chose National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies. I have used the website here and there for other courses as well as some research and would like to better familiarize myself with what the agency has to offer and the resources it has.

            I am excited to learn from everyone’s different contacts and see what they offer in our field of early learning. I would like feedback on the questions people are most wanting to know about the different countries. I would love to hear about the different environments of classrooms as well as the playgrounds and outside environments. I would also be interested to see what we can find out about the child-centered learning that takes place.  


  1. Stephanie,
    Awesome! So glad that you were able to contact persons to share information. I am still waiting to hear from contacts. I decided to give them a couple of more days. If I have not heard from anyone by Sunday, I will proceed with the alternate assignment. :(

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    How exciting to have made contacts! It will be very interesting and exciting to read your interactions between all of you. It will also be nice to see how other people use their resources in early childhood education.

  3. Stephanie,
    It's Great that you were able to make contacts. It's always nice to find new resources for early childhood, but to obtain them from around the world is a bonus! I hope to have my contacts reply so I would be able to experience different values and beliefs for early childhood programs across the world as well.

  4. Hi Stephanie:)
    Italy and England, that will be very informative I am guessing. I think I will be spending much more time reading blogs for this course. Should be interesting!

    Choosing a website resource you know less about is my strategy as well. I am eager to learn from each other.
    Your focus of outdoor and indoor environments as well as child-centered learning are great ways to narrow discussions into manageable ways. Great idea.
    When I think of questions, I'll be sure to offer them to you. karlene

  5. I am glad that you were able to make contact with two professionals outside of the United States. I look forward to hearing about important issues and trends that impact young learners. In noting how the professionals in other areas address issues and trends, consequences, as well as benefits can be a crucial element in supporting student.

  6. Hi Stephanie,
    I am glad that you found two colleagues who are willing to help you. I also have found my two people who are Walden students as well. I have not heard of your organization and cannot wait to read about the information that you will find out.
