Monday, February 13, 2017

Daily Supports

My daily environment contains many supports that allow for me to be successful each and every day these are the most important to me. First, my policies and regulations giving me the guidance and support to maintain a positive program. Being able to have the knowledge of what is seen as important in running a program where fun, safety and inclusion are emphasized. Secondly, my facility is set up for success. The materials within are in good repair and are plentiful for all children within the program to have choices of proper developmentally appropriate materials to utilize. Finally, the families within my program. The communication had between the parents as well as the children allow for feedback on what is going well and what can be improved.
            These three supports allow for me to be able to function in a positive manor each day. Without the rules and guidelines there would not be policies and procedures to train other educators on or to ensure families are aware of the expectations. Without the facility I would not have a safe place for the children and families to come to each day. The materials in the facility allow for children to learn through play and exploration without the materials the children would not have tools to manipulate. The communication had and the families and children as a whole would mean there would be no one to serve and learn from. Gaining the feedback and experiences shared allows for me to grow as an educator each day.
            A challenge would be ensuring the safety and inclusion of the children and families in the program with those in the community. To be able to overcome any obstacles that this challenge faces I would need my three supports I utilize most to succeed. Being able to rely on the policies and regulations, my facility and the communication from those within would guide me to learn what I need to know to make the inclusion and safety possible. The information I have from the community allows for me to be able to create an environment in the facility to allow for the cultures and community to be best served. While creating the positive environment referring back to my policies and regulations ensures the safety of all in the facility staff, families and children.

Without these supports the safety would be questionable and the communication would be difficult without clean guidelines. The improper facility would possibly cause danger to those within the building or on the playground. These three supports are the only way I am guarantying myself for success for myself and all those involved in the program it gives a strong framework to build off of.


  1. Policies and regulations are an important factor with guidance and support in a program. You need policies and regulation for the program to run smoothly. In order for a facility to be set up for success the materials, environment, location, and the atmosphere must have a positive impact. It has to be set up to make families want to visit your faculty. Have a good understanding and good communication with the family is a must with childcare. By having the family involve, this I believe will make the children do better and want to learn and come to school.

    LaQuesha Goss

  2. Stephanie,
    I agree that you need policies, maintaining a safe and fulfilling facility and communication with the families are so important in early childhood programs. I know that at where I work the communication is lacking among the staff and it causes unnecessary problems.

  3. Hi Stephanie,
    Thank you for your insightful post. Policies truly are an integral support for any quality ECE program! I am curious if you wrote your own policies or if they were already in place in your program? For me being the owner of a FCC licensed program, I had to write my own from scratch! I literally sat down with our state statutes and went line by line correlating each policy back to the statute it supported! It took months, but was so worth it! I add to it as I learn more and I share it willingly with other providers and programs who want to do the same. I find it a critical piece to vetting out clients that fit best in my program, avoiding much difficulty or misunderstanding later.
    Thanks for reminding me of this important support.
