Sunday, December 17, 2017

What I Have Learned

Throughout my time working in various early learning programs from coast to coast I have one hope to advocate for those who need it. Over the years I have had to be the voice for those who are not being heard or even do not yet have the words it is not easy, but is something I am very passionate about. As an educator, we must be diligent to keep in mind those who are in our care are being cared for and having their needs met. Educating on cultures and their values is so important since we are all so different something that seems “wrong” in one culture may be perfectly normal in another. This is why we must continually be educating ourselves about the different cultures in our community we serve.

A goal I have is to encourage children to learn more about those around them. Instill in them a desire to learn from the person who is different than them and celebrate what makes them different. Being able to value what makes us all different is so important to be more tolerant and accepting of those around us. This will hopefully create a better tomorrow for us all.

I would to say thank you for the support and interaction throughout this course. It is wonderful to be a part of such a great group that is so encouraging and accepting. It has been great getting to know you all and I hope only the best for each and every one of you.

Best regards,

Stephanie Grout


  1. Hi Stephanie,
    I have really enjoy all your posts and insights over the past eight weeks. I strongly agree with the fact that we need to educate our children to celebrate each others differences and learn from one another. We as educators have that role and need to model the behavior as well as create opportunities for children to learn from one another's differences.
    Good luck with your future learning.
    Kind regards,

  2. You have had many awesome things to say over these weeks and I have taken much from your words. We have the huge responsibility and honor of educating our students to be a positive future for our world that extends beyond the 3R's. best of luck in your future!

  3. Hi Stephanie,
    It was truly a joy reading your posting. Creating better tomorrow for our children to thrive is an amazing goal. With the thoughts in mind, children are future leaders of tomorrow. Thank you so much, Best luck moving forward.

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