Monday, October 17, 2016

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone in this course. It has been wonderful reading each of your posts and hearing what everyone has done in our field. I love to see the differences, yet many of the similarities we all have. Our commitment to the families and children in our communities will allow for us all to be able to create positive growth for all those around us. Best of luck on your future endeavors and keep up the great work.


  1. Stephanie-Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences throughout this course. I believe that you have a true passion for the work that we do. My hope is that you keep this passion as you continue to go further in this profession. Good luck on your journey!

    -Brittna W.

  2. Stephanie- I just want to say thank you for your support and feedback throughout the eight weeks. I have enjoyed reading your posts and our discussion assignments. I love how you are working with the families and children in our military. Keep up the great work and good luck with whatever this profession takes you.
    Kevin Davis

  3. Stephanie, it has been an honor to have you in the class. You have been so inspiring during this time. Your words of encouragement still speaks volumes to me. I know you will continue to prosper and do great in this field.
