Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Relationship Reflection

Relationship Reflection

Relationships and partnerships are highly important to me to be able to learn through others as much as possible to then pass down to other providers as well as families in my community. When I build relationships with others I learn about other people their experiences, ideas and goals they have I am able to learn from them and what they do/have done.

Marcus (My flight chief): Our relationship is built upon our passion we have for serving children
and their families in our community. The encouragement I receive from him to strive for harder more difficult goals encourage me to push myself. He constantly reminds me I can do anything I set my mind to, and if I need something to ask he is willing to help.

Jessica (co-worker): Our common goals of providing the best to the families we serve each day allowed us to build a relationship. Our morals and values align allowing for us to be able to share our experiences, ideas and goals to better the families and providers we work with each day.

Rebecca (Parent/Co-worker): The care I ensure her child receives being the highest of quality brought us together. The values and common goals we have for children in an early learning program are very similar allowing for us to be able to grow through the work we both do as well as ensure her daughter is provided with high quality care.

Lisa (Co-worker and mentor): Her willingness to be an open book to teach me everything she knows about early learning and guiding families built a very positive rewarding relationship. Learning through her 25 years of experience with the military community allows for her to be a wealth of knowledge to me. When we converse I share new ideas and thoughts with her different ways to look outside the box she benefits from a different, yet similar perspective. Our passion for children and families is what continues to grow our relationship as well as friendship.

My Mom: A kindergarten teacher for the past 30 years gives me insight on the next step on a regular basis. New trends and ideas for children and families to be prepared for as they begin to enter the next level of their education. The encouragement to always better myself pushing myself to only except the highest of quality of work has benefited me my entire life. She has instilled in me, along with my dad, to never settle only excel at all I do, and never be too proud to ask for help.

In my career I have learned it is difficult to develop positive reciprocating relationships with others. In order to be able to create positive relationships allowing for all involved to benefit each person must be willing to work at the relationship, actively share experiences and listen, and most importantly needs to share similar values and a passion for bettering the families and children in our community.

The passion and similar morals and values allow for any of these relationships to become partnerships in the future. The ability to have the positive outlook on what is to be achieved and all that can be achieved when we work together. I find the experiences they share with me allow me to reflect on the care I give and the training I can pass on to families and other caregivers. Being able to rely on others who want me to achieve allows for me to push myself to work harder, set higher goals, and give the most positive experience to those families in my community and program.


  1. Stephanie, it sounds as if you have lots of wonderful positive relationships. It is great to have positive relationships with individuals that share common goals and passions!!!

  2. Stephanie,
    I agree it is difficult to develop positive reciprocating relationships but it seems you are lucky to have great people in your life and you must be a positive person to be able to to that! Awesome!

  3. Wow looks like you have a great support system!. I believe everyone should have people who believe in them and who is always there when needed.

  4. It is great to have positive relationships with your co-workers. It helps you come together to find the betterment of the children and parental needs of the classroom.

  5. Hi Stephanie!
    The description of your work environment and co-workers was interesting to read. Mentoring, sharing, listening, shared values. It makes me want to know more about how ECE works in a military setting. I did just read some things about how it is funded with subsidies so parents nor teachers have to bear the weight of the cost. It was on a podcast entitled "Professional Expectations without Professional Conditions". I listened to from a website called
    Maybe you will find it interesting...and a bit sad as well.
