What memory do you have of an incident when you experienced bias,
prejudice, and/or oppression, or witnessed someone else as the
target of bias, prejudice, and/or oppression?
When working at the center in Alaska we had a family that the
father was from the Dominican Republic and the mother was German. The family
struggled with many issues such as the home language to speak, which religion
the children should be, the foods to be served to name a few. Within the center
the family was quick to be judged based on the issue that the children had
major speech delays and some caregivers were unwilling to help. Many did not
understand the want for the parents to want to instill both cultures deeply.
Some would not want the family or the children in their classroom due to the
added work of the delays and the frustration the parents had with one another
on raising their children. Accommodation for the diets was also made for the
children the mother felt as though they should only eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
I had both children in my care both children were wonderful children their
parents were both great just had different ways of parenting. When we worked
with the parents with the expectation from what they wanted from the center we
saw an improvement in the children as well as better communication within the
center walls with the parents.
In what way(s) did the specific bias, prejudice and/or oppression
in that incident diminish equity?
The unwillingness others had of getting to know the family,
particularly the parents, to understand the desire they possessed on not
loosing their own personal cultures. Being able to communicate with the family
and gain an understanding of their wants and needs helped with lessening the
What feelings did this incident bring up for you?
Frustration was the major feeling along with sadness. I was
frustrated for the parents who wanted high quality care for their children and
faced resistance. Sadness for the children who were being excluded due to their
differences and delays.
What and/or who would have to change in order to turn this
incident into an opportunity for greater equity?
The parents who had the different beliefs and being not as
accepting of one another and their own values and beliefs along with those who
were resistant to learning about the family and their cultures within the
center. Not being willing to accept others and set aside personal beliefs is
difficult, however we must remember to educate ourselves about others and their
beliefs and values not disregard them.
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