Monday, August 14, 2017

Welcoming Families from around the World

The country I would choose would be India.

The five ways I would be culturally responsive to the incoming family would be:

First, learn about the country of India what the climate is like, what the cities are like the people live in. etc. to get a sense of what life in general is like.

Second, become familiar with the national celebrations which ones are similar to those celebrated in America and those that are very different.

Third, begin to learn the language especially general greetings as well as phrases to assist with easing the transition to the American program.

Fourth, explore their food and diet differences. Learn about what the flavors and foods are look to incorporate some dishes to allow other children to explore the new family’s culture.

Finally, get to know the family as a whole. Learn about what is important what their goals are for their child in the program and how they would like to grow as a family in the new land.

By preparing for the family in the above order I will be able to get to know the family deeper than a general get-to-know-you conversation. Immigrating from a different is difficult enough to learn the new country alone. Feeling as though they are welcome and important. Also for the family to know their family culture and way of life is valued.


  1. Hey Stephanie,

    India is a great country to choose from considering that we have a lot of people of Indian culture. I like how you suggest to offer new things to students by allowing them to try new foods. It would bring the children more connected with the culture.

  2. Stephanie,
    The suggestions you provided were very informative. I believe that with the suggestions for welcoming the student would be well received by the family especially the work you are putting in finding out about their country.
