Monday, September 25, 2017

Assessment Reflections

The one piece to the evaluation that surprised me the most was the time I allot myself to truly listen to others in a professional setting tend to be limited. In my personal life I am a chatty person, however I thoroughly enjoy listening to others share their stories and experiences. In my professional life timeliness is highly important I need to ensure I take time away from other parts of my day to ensure to give others the time and respect they deserve when they communicate with me.

Reflecting on the results from the self-assessment and the assessments completed by my husband and colleague I am pleased that I am doing a good job overall professionally and personally as a communicator. I do need to learn more about the situations I have a difficult time communicating in, such as confrontational times, and learn to be more skilled and readily able to communicate in these situations. Learning the perceptions to be as positive as they were of the others allowed for me to gain confidence in my communication skills.

Professionally training employees can at times be difficult due to many reasons learning style differences, commination issues as well as other issues. Learning to remain calm when communicating with others is highly important. Active listening, being respectful and engaging in a positive manor ensures the information I need to share can be done in a manner that others understand.

Personally I like to be the positive, effective communicator is something I strive to be. Modeling for our children to respect others, engage in conversations in a positive light, and listen is highly important to me. Being able to learn how to be an effective communicator and learn a listening style to achieve these goals is great to learn to improve and adapt through situations.


  1. Hello Stephanie,
    I agree training people can be hard, especially when your not sure of their learning type. People can often have an issue with listening and being respectful.

  2. Stephanie;
    Great post. From what I'm seeing, most of us are chatty and people-oriented. I think that is mainly due to our professions. You can't work with children and NOT be chatty. Like you, my scores were not a shocker either. And as with most anything, we ALL have room for improvement.

  3. Confrontation is an extremely difficult area for me. I tend to blank out when it comes to my part of the conversation. I am not sure how to overcome this but it was good to read you feel the same.
